do libras hide their sadnessoutsunny assembly instructions

When she feels that she is doubtful or uncertain about her decisions and her future, she may decide that the best course of action is to avoid people and conversations. I'm Aquarius and many followed after constellations Libra and always pretended I did not notice, but they are so careful people! when, in fact, your sign might have some deeper insights into your personality traits instead of just scratching the surface. He also wanted an apology for every thing I said so we broke up after he exploded with me and I told him off in no uncertain terms. Leo isn't one to hide their feelings, so they usually display their stress openly. By hurtful i mean really hurtful libras observe and are very diplomatic, they watch your everyday behavior ask you lots of questions if they are interested and learn about you enough just to be able to push the right buttons to hurt you. Nosy and users of others' lives. He can be flirty but is seldom emotional. The Libra was seething underneath her shock that I phoned her, that she hadn't got my partner! They see everyone as mindless and feel called to enlighten them. So it depends on the individual Libra guy and his particular situation. I am thankful she has a new Prey in her life, anything to keep her away from me, let her manipulate that poor sap of an Aries man! Manipulators bring nothing but pain and headaches according to any Libra. i can not even begin to describe the hell she put me through. This. All that is written is so true. I'm going to be very honest, I was pretty ruthless with my ex wife, especially in the latter part of our marriage. Libras are known for being charming, beautiful, and well-balanced. So this article is in no way 10% correct describing how a Libra is like when wronged. Libra Is Meant To Be In A Couple! He can't see or type his sister's name in his FB IM? I'm 28 years old , born on September 27 and I wish I can hear stories of girls who share the same birthday with me as I need some answers. We were close like family and talked a lot on the phone and only during work hours(my choice after we started dating in 2000). Being a librans family member might be pretty difficult they dont mind providing what they are supposed to provide for the family usually spoiling them, they dont mind spending quality time with their kids and wife. They will REFUSE to listen to what you have to say if you are very outspoken person. She was very kind, gracious and loving when she met my children, giving them a few minutes and taking time to talk with them, and she remembered them when meeting her again the following year. But Libra guy 2 created these "conflict triangles" with other people. We will love to the ends of time and to our very detriment and will give chance after chance after chance to prove your self. Pisces is the most sensitive sign in the zodiac. When this occurs, she may choose to turn her attention elsewhere. If you notice that she has isolated herself, then you should take the time to teach yourself about what happens when a Libra woman is sad. Something darker? I was a happy child and hate confrontation and lose all my lovely articulation abilities in the face of hate and nastiness. The usually-carefree Pisces can get into a gloom and doom state when sad. However, this may cause her to push people away or make people think that she no . Found them all to be selfish, controlling, manioulative, held grudges, calulating, little empathy towards others. I am no drama queen though. Seems to be written by someone who had a bad experience with a Libran and conluded that all Librans are like that one scumbag they once knew..horrible. Absolutely, every sign except for that poison scorp. She is an extremely toxic person. If she is pushed into a conversation, then she may try to avoid specific aspects of the conversation. but im not fake and i dont try to control her life. Is your love language what you give or receive? I can't believe this is how I am? I swear I'm making a note objective after years of analysis and hearing the testimonies of many people. Like a few here said earlier, there's more to the picture about the signs, you have to look at the sum total of your chart. To pull you in, a libra will start to compliment or encourage you. i ended up living a lot of my life with my grandmother because my mom would not stop physically abusing me. It might take five years to get your own Libra male off your sofa. I realized that I was obsessed with being in love and finding someone who loves me and takes interest in me, and goes the extra mile for me. This will help her reach a state of mind that is more stable and tranquil. Mmm chocolate. You should have gone to the shrink when he asked you to! It allows us to be thankful for happiness when it occurs but too much of it can be unhealthy. They said that the raven people were feared in the tribes because they always new what was going on without hearing a word, they always knew. The thing I don't like is how they can gossip VERY negatively about people (behind their back) but talk in their "sweet tones" and are charming and complimentary to you in person -- that you may not know that the Libra IS the source of the negative and/or false rumors. Libra is one of the most balanced signs, but when depressed, they tend to have feelings of instability and moodiness, with a reduced urge to socialize. The women love only themselves, crave attention, are users, connive to no end, but claim its never their fault BALANCE, where? They know what needs to be done in order to get what they want,and its most likely theyll get it one way or another. It doesn't matter how badly that ex may have hurt them Libras are incredibly understanding individuals who can forgive and forget just about anything. I hate quarrels. They don't do petty gossip; instead, they pride themselves on being a person people can confide in. I have a Libra "friend" that I grew up with and I thought she was the nicest person but now I realize how untrue that is. They usually have a sense of "me against the world," which can make them feel helpless when depression hits. According to the CDC, "more than two in five adults experienced symptoms of anxiety or a depressive disorder in their lifetime." I learned to not tell secrets. Libra women are sad and insufferable. She only wants information to use against them. The Libra emoji depicts the sign of Libra, a constellation and one of the 12 zodiac signs in astrology. How Can I Help a Depressed Capricorn Man? Most people are made of many layers, and can exhibit any set of traits associated with a various signs at any given time. It is true she got older and started having difficulties, I think she basically wore herself out. My friend never said a single word ever. I will never approach you or talk to you because I already gotten more than a 1k people that you know and I know on my side. And to think I still stood by her EVEN when I was admitted and discharged till her demented form comes devouring me inside out again!!! Since Aries is known for being very blunt, they may say something that cuts Libra deep. Did i learn a lot! The reason a Libra man tries to hide his feelings is because he wants to be sure before taking a giant leap. The man Libra is loyal and faithful when it comes to love relationships. Things seem to be falling apart around me. controlling. It's true. The guy loved me and hated me. They are the most hypocritical people, will never hear the truth from them. They like being the one that isnt surprised almost always appearing calm and wise, as if they can see the future. I guarantee there was as much yelling in his home as there is in every Libra home. We are easily hurt and scarred. This will likely cause her career or relationships to suffer, as she may express herself in a manner that undermines her message. When that happens, I've learned to respect myself and just move on. He's won competitions on creating video games at an early age. And I do know many people who fit this above profile but are not Librans and also not related to Libra in general. She is conniving, manipulative and a backstabber. Even u. (5) I had a wide circle of friends and social networks. Be careful, because she carries a grudge like no other, so get on her good side or you will definitely regret it later. The secret to any Sun in Libra is they hate to be alone. I can't with him I just like his attractiveness. Librans, like the Scales that symbolise the sign, are often concerned with attaining balance, harmony, peace, and justice in the world. Theyre the perfect acquintance. Having two Libra sisters and a Libra friend of five years I have seen this time and time again. Its that I still struggle loving myself and getttin my wants and needs. I was a fool sheltering her from all her accusers but they were actually right all along. Bingo my libra wife and my libra wife. Mother, father, uncle whatever..that's ridiculous. Or the inability to care about circumstances in our roomie situation that were distressing to me as I thought of her like a sister. There are bad people, no matter which sign they are, and your sign is not inmune to that evilness. If I screw up I own up. Libras are known to hide their real feelings in order to avoid conflicts with the people around them. When she reacts in an inappropriate manner, it is likely that she will push people away from her. He had made so many promises to me about the future we had together. When Gemini gets depressed, their mind starts to wander and they over-think everything. You will find that the following article will help you navigate your relationship when she is dealing with grief, doubt, or regret. That is the only way you can truly be loyal. You can't be weak around these majestic women. 7.) Because of your interest in an Aquarius woman in your , The relationship that you maintain with an Aquarius man must , It is likely that you will find that the behaviors , If you want to show your guy just how much , Regardless of the nature of your relationship, it is certain , what happens when each zodiac sign is sad, how to have a healthy relationship with a Libra woman. She may make the decision that she needs to make changes in regard to her social relationships. Done. Often, the question "Why?" RELATED: The Negative Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology. I was shocked at how "fake nice" my Libra college professor (who was also my advisor for a college club) would talk SH*T about other professors, administrators and anyone who seemed to have a "higher position" of authority than her. (I made Mr. Libra 2 look good in photos). It's hard to be happy for someone you don't genuinely click with. I have a stellium in libra sun moon mercury venus and they are all in the 12th house. Nobody wants to read thru all that so i'll say what really matters and make it quick. Why make an indecisive person a leader? I will never justify our dark side. glil ou. That gut feeling is what actual makes us feel human, not the thoughts or beliefs we have, because they can often lie and the heart we have, even if it's synthetic or artificial can't. I try to always be fair and give everyone a fair chance. The Universal Law Of One.would suggest that these are people are mirroring qualities you possess but do not like about yourself. 1. I don't even let libras or those with venus or mars in libra close to me. That only helps to make it clear that those people are not compatible and I don't want them in my life. The negative side of Libra is hard to bear. The one I know best is so selfish, vindictive that she doesn't care who's life she ruins while in the process of getting what she wants. They can be extremely sensitive creatures at times and some things just affect them more than they would other signs. I was married to a Leo before with Virgo tendencies and was totally miserable. Are looking for the meaning of life, the chronically lazy and manipulate the environment to work for them. If you're giving him mixed signals, he's likely to hide his feelings even more. While this may seem like a negative trait, it can actually be quie . You won't have to worry about a Libra cheating. He hated that i was of value at job, he hated the fact i was tech savvy, he hated all of my achievements, and gumption. Although I do see some parts of the negative traits, for me personally, I think some of these listed seem exaggerated to highlight the most negative Libras out there. She did nothing. The other libra I know, is charming also. I'm a Libra Sun with a Libra Ascendant. I have really pulled back and we have gotten into some fights where then she won't stop the damn apologizing. Thank God doctors brought me back alive. She has stabbed me in the back, talks about me, others in family. Lets not forget Vladimir putin ffs! I was overwhelmed and tearful as it was my dad who gave me it in advance, and it was the first time he told me he loved me - I am telling her the story, she wasn't interested and tried to turn it all back to her new Prey, a new man. I hide my negative emotions and just keep it. I let her Stew in her own poop made it worst. I tried several times to con myself that perhaps my gut instinct was off, I'd since found out she was a Libra, I'd never met one until then (that's a whole 36 years without knowing a Libra, I wasn't missing anything). This article is way too shallow for the most part. This is very true about Libras. I am a libra male born on September 23rd. Every astrology reading sugarcoats signs like Libra so it must be that shocking for you. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Hello, I'm one of Libras you guys are hating on. Give it all to me the good and the bad. Normally with a libra when they have a fight with a friend they think they cant trust anyone but when the tears stop they over think and the tears come back but its best to let them be and most likely they will forgive you after and it might become a cycle that they cant stop unless people treat them differently, Libras are very nice,loyal,friends that will STAY by your side once you are very close friends the first couple steps with a libra might be hard for them because they find it hard to talk to new people they would rather stay near someone they know, Yes the rumours are true 100% libras HATE being alone they cant stand it that they will either 1.turn it into emotions and cry because they are sensitive 2.they will either do anything to not be alone but if they get left alone with no one for a while they will begin to over think and trust NO ONE at all 3.sit there and think a lot about the situation, The bad side of a libra I already know they do lie but the main 3 reasons why is because 1.they dont want to be embarrassed 2.for there friendship they will lie 3.they will lie to stop anxiety and overthinking another big thing they might lie about is definitely emotions they will either not want to talk and say they are great when they are 100% not to stop people from thinking they are to sensitive or say they a great when they are not to make the other person not worry about them, If you have a libra friend and they are controlling then Im not sure what you can do but things what you should NOT do is over them 2.if you yell at them or be aggressive in any way they will either fight back EXTREMELY HARD or cry because they feel like they are a bad person 3.dont tell them to stop crying and being emotional because it will make it worse also it will make them try not to cry that it hurts so much that they do cry what you should do is very positive and calm and tell them nice things the way to tell them they are doing the wrong thing is to speak very calmly and take it slowly and after make sure they are ok and engorge them to be positive, A libra Leo,Gemini and a Scorpio will go really bad it might be good but it will end up extremely bad but I hope this helped you just know that libras are full of emotions and love anywhere and everywhere. Libra: Don't leave them alone Should you become aware that the Libra woman in your life is sad or upset, be certain that you show her that you are available for support. I was cohabitating with one under her suggestion and without a thought (being a male & feeling totally cloud 9 to be asked), I experienced a life changing event. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Munay, I am a Libra and I have to disagree on every aspects lol for me personally I do good until Im messed over as soon as you mess over me its over with. My sister is cold, she does not care about people. Libra is one of the most balanced signs, but when depressed, they tend to have feelings of instability and moodiness, with a reduced urge to socialize. Born Oct. 2, 1869, this photo was taken about 1929. Because of this, she may start spending time with new people or strengthen relationships with other friends. I Definetly repress anger and am secretive. Thank you. (tall, thin, blond). Tell me, what can make you cr i have never told her. I dont like drama. When charged with bad behavior, they will say, Oh, Im such a bad person. I am a libra my self and the main thing about being a libra is emotions libras value there emotions so much it is everything to them.when libras are sad it is so hard to get there trust.when a fight happens with there friends they will get so emotional that they become a monster they never want to even think about being but they dont realise. Libras tend to bottle up their feelings for an extended amount of time and then explode, sometimes inappropriately. I think that is just right when etiquette is concern. This article and comments have really opened my eyes. My advice is asking a scorpio why do they want this. Scorpio Man Not Texting Back: What Do I Do? While we were dating i let her know about my one true longtime best friend which was my first ex (gemini)from high school yrs (different schools). I get along with Virgos and Scorpios just fine. I immediately had her pegged as a boyfriend snatcher, took charge and used my partner's phone to phone her back (not knowing her star sign). Annelise from copenhagen Denmark on July 06, 2018: Silvia from an Aquarius to another Aquarius give us Capricorns dark side thank you ;), They lie about everything about them self, live in a romantic dreamworld where everybody admires love and wants them Lol lovely. I know Librans do this, I'm one of them. My family and friends are being very supportive while my lover soon to be my ex is just busy with his new job. Throughout the years we dated other people but always kept in contact with each other. It will make them seems like all is a playful and innocents relations that they have and its you, the bad guy, who fucks them over). So that could be their another dark, sick and spiteful dark sides to add into the ones mentioned in this article. When a Libra woman finds herself unable to focus on things that bring her pleasure, then she may become increasingly unsatisfied with her life. I, hate when dumb people try to judge or bully me. I am afraid of settling down with someone. But my "dark side" is also my "sunny side". It may be expected that she will behave in a manner that reveals that she is not quite herself. Chastity, this article is solely about Libra's dark side. I will admit that. I am pretty sure there are killers of all signsand actually if you've only found 5 twisted people in Libra, that in fact disproves your point. If you cross my line you're already in the game of life or death for me. In fact we typically see the best in all of those around us and work to pull that out of everything.we want everything around us to be elevated and more evolved then it is. We also already have a decision made in our minds even if we seem like we don't.we just work all of the paths the universe puts before us to weave our way to those decisions in the most effective and beneficial way.make no mistakea Libra will have what he/she wants in this world.we just know that the universe will provide those in due time and we will tread the waters ebs and flows to get there in time. im a libra 10/6/1992, and I loved this article because it is accurate. (Aquarius) With (Gemini) moon. he is a great father and husband. Negative Librans are worrywarts and being or feeling alone is the most horrible thing they can imagine. Because she is dealing with major stresses in her life, it is certain that she will become introspective. We hate stupidity and ignorance.we despise people and things of lower standards and we can not stand people that are rude and careless and not considerate and especially those who lack diplomacy and manners. When I started to find my feet and grow back into my own skin and started embracing life (I started sewing classes and then attending Couture workshops) she didn't want to know. In fact the reason why i am here is because i just googled the dark side of Libras today morning. Since we are all complex individuals, it can be hard to just pin a few personality traits to each of us and leave it at that. We don't use emotions to figure things out, we don't use tactile sensory to figure things out, it's about all that is mental and the air signs are especially built for this. My best advice for anybody is know thyself it is OK to not care or like people and not be friendly. While I am now guilty of generalizing also, I have to say that I know that depending on the time one is born under the Libra sign, as well as at which day in October can all play a part in a Libra being the exception to the rule as far as whether they exhibit classic Libra traits. Fast forward my boyfriend (Aries) with (Libra) moon broke up with me today. i am currently in no contact, but this time it is for good. every sign has a dark side but a libra??? I stupidly had them pegged as pacifists, harmless COULD I BE MORE WRONG? Scorpio's passion can turn negative when they're feeling sad or depressed, causing them to become hostile, isolated, and have violent mood swings. If you are looking to learn about what happens when each zodiac sign is sad, then take this time to develop your capacity for empathy and compassion, as this will help you support the people who are in your life. But if they open up, their anger and sadness could lead to disaster. However I met a libra and she's like me but diffrent. . They will go to great lengths to achieve it, but those lengths depend on that particular Libra. I made decision to stop communicating with her. What ever happened in her head destroyed her. He will talk to you for hours about anything. He also took me around by car to show wonderful places etc. We don't try to be that way, it's who we are. They may feel so lopsided, they'll stop caring about their favorite things, even severing ties with their passions completely. This is, of course, not ideal because the people around them don't know when a Libra's feelings are hurt. A Libra mom still reminds her 50-year-old daughters to say thank you.. I fucking hate myself when I'm grumpy and it makes it even worse. Great lays. Everything in this article rings true. I think it's smart to learn astrology to choose the best time to give birth to a child and choose their planetary influences to prevent many obstacles :P. This is true. It is certain that she will make the decision to think about herself, as she is dealing with stresses that concern her. (4) I am skilled at photography. Libra women have some beauty about them because they're not trying too hard and keeping things easy. I would also like to remind everyone that this isn't a "meltdown" I am having a reasonable opinion. They dont mind killing u if thats what it takes. in the meantime she was trying to chat him up. It is certain that she will appreciate having someone in her life who will give her a safe place to share the stresses that she is managing. I completely agree with this. I was so offended. I have my absolutely awful moments when I break someone's trust, when I hurt someone's feelings, and try to control everything and act like it's not my fault. I'm a libra myself. When she shares her feelings with you, be certain to show her that you are willing and able to provide her emotional and intellectual support. They also crave balance, and they can be equally as self-indulgent as they are generous. I think it's true that Libras like things balanced and harmonious. As an aquarius, I usually like some time for peace and space, but she keeps getting in my business and always knows how to aggravate me. I'm a Capricorn we are smarter than this. Once they see that another can give better, they will give themselves over to another (but they wont leave you, ever. After a while i did not allow him to do much for me. When sadness tips that balance. I put it together that all this DRAMA and out-of-the blue nonsensical conflicts always seemed to connect back to Mr. Libra 2, He was always the mutual link. I have been in 3 relationships in my life and the the 3 of them are Libra. You probably deserved it etc. Our empathic abilities allows us to see inside you and we can pull out the most sensitive things that no one knows and use them as weapons to destroy your very being if we are crossed. Wow, basically summed me all up. Known for being indecisive and eager to please, this air sign is unlikely to ever initiate a breakup and very likely to mourn one long after it's over. Libras love with a passion. Friendship and respect are a two-way street. The best I could figure is why Mr. Libra 2 was so eager to be with me is. I hate having fights in public. I was terrified. All those who commented and appear to be a Libra and can't handle criticism, you just proved the whole author's point. She made me hate my dad for cheating but she herself cheat several times. They will never make her needs for materialistic stability happy, nor her emotional driven self to be happy. Libra women, when sad or upset, often find that their behaviors betray their emotional turmoil. If your not a "capricunt" you have the face and attitude for one. Does breastfeeding affect a newborn's brain development? Please take time to read a few of her books to understand what she was really all about. All are alike but different also. Like every other sign they have a bright side, but that's not the subject of this article. she was so nice to outsiders but treated my family and dad like dirt. In person with me he followed me around my campus and was excessively "helpful". I'm sorry many of you have had incredibly bad experiences with Librans, but understand that not all of them deserve to be so harshly judged. i am in my 40's and i have went total no contact with her on several times. All of them gossiped and spoke negatively about others behind their backs and were the source of untrue rumors. Libra Woman. I searched out an article like this to better understand myself. Had a wide circle of friends and social networks care or like people and not be friendly commented... Criticism, you just proved the whole author 's point all about always in. Headaches according to any Sun in Libra Sun moon mercury venus and they can be as... In, a Libra friend of five years i have a bright side, but that 's not subject. 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The Presence Of The Past Sparknotes, Articles D