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If you have read through them all, then you must have brainstormed to You may also like our collection of cool weed shirts, For more facts about medical marijuana click here, Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, 2023, NGU Weed Shirts Powered by Shopify, weed dispensaries out number Star Bucks 3 to 1, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (USD $). It wasnt made to be a speedster but when an underground nuclear bomb test launched the four-inch thick steel disk at an estimated 125,000 miles per hour or 5 times the Earths escape velocity, it became the winner. 2022 Galvanized Media. The kangaroo mouse, while being That's about 35 million times a year, and more than 2.5 billion times during an average lifetime, according to PBS. The result? Hows that for a mind-blowing fact? The Las Vegas Strip is probably the most famous thing about Nevada and the top reason tourists come to Las Vegas. Sure, the city gets cold in the winter, and wind definitely plays a role, but the nickname "the Windy City" has nothing to do with that. Most Canadians living in America reside in south Seattle. George Washington never actually lived in Washington, D.C. Marijuana has become the most used illegal drug in the USA, Around the world marijuana has over 200 slang terms. It does not kill brain cells or cause brain damage. Shaking ketchup makes it 1,000 times thinner. A parking spot in Hong Kong sold for almost $1 million. One example? Spending just a few months in Antarctica can shrink your brain. Every 'c' in Pacific Ocean is pronounced differently. However, these elixirs actually contained mercury, lead, and arsenic, and resulted in their deaths from poisoning. During California growing season outdoor plants consume 60 million gallons of water a day. Prince Charles has a car fueled by wine. The average cloud weighs an estimated 1.1 million pounds. He lived in New York, the nation's first capital, and Philadelphia. A Kangaroo Mouse Doesnt Need Water All Their Lives. But that's not the only remarkable thing about them. In contrast, the New Horizons spacecraft maxed out at 36,373 mph. In the 1940s, Adolf Hitler's bomb-makers coated explosive devices with a thin layer of dark chocolate, then packaged it in black and gold paper in order to make it look fancy, according to Smithsonian. According to the BBC, a couple once tried to name their child Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116, which is apparently pronounced "Albin." Greenland sharks dont reach sexual maturity until theyre 150. Technically the Earth is known as an oblate spheroid due to the bulge at the equator and the flattened poles. If you've ever had the intention of enjoying a nibble or two of your favorite treat but ended up devouring every last bit, then you should add "shemomechama" to your vocabulary. "What this casually dressed gentleman and I have found out and want you to know, is that a lot of what's going on up there," he continued, with Nelson chiming in, "benefits all of us down here.". That is 87-year-oldElsie Eiler. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the average cloud weighs around 1.1 million pounds (551 tons). The worlds oceans contain20 million tons of gold. And are you aware Anne Frank and Martin Luther King, Jr. were born in the same year? Australia is full of natural wonders that seem to defy explanation and this is top of the list. It may discolor your tongue and stool, leading to some surprising bathroom (and third date?) A million seconds is about 12 days while a billion seconds is about 32 years. The Bayeux Tapestry is 70 meters long and depicts the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Grahams number is a number so large that a digital representation of it cannot be contained in the observable universe. It was founded in 1989, and it's literally rebuilt every year in the Swedish village of Jukkasjrvi. As a result, the company then became Hennes & Mauritz. It might be worth sticking to public transportation. Talk about a dubious honorMaryland is the only state in the United States that has no natural lakes within its borders. Did you know Viking men wore makeup? Marilyn Monroe would have loved Jupiter: According to some scientists, it actually rains diamonds. According to Gizmodo, all it takes to verify this is some simple math. Many people think cuddling this adorable cross between a duck and an otter would be fun. Crows hold grudges. But a bullet fired from a rifle travels at 762 meters/second. It was meant as a criticism, referring to this particular designation of people as "full of hot air. Did you know Viking men wore makeup? Homer Simpsons hair is shaped like two letters that are the initials of creator. Japanese golfers have hole-in-one insurance. As he was experimenting with improving the level of the magnetron tubes, he realized that the peanut cluster bar in his pocket had melted. People who chew gum are doing something that has been around for longer than they probably realize. Yes, "Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day" is a real holiday, celebrated in the United States and Europe every year on May 29, spanning back to the early 1900s. Hawaiis state flag is the only United States state flag to feature the Union Jack upon it. But things didn't go as planned when "the printing press kept having trouble with the Hulk's color and he kept coming out green." As such, farmers hundreds of years ago would seal their barns with linseed oil and add a variety of things, such as rust. With 365 possible birthdays, it seems unlikely that with just 23 people you would find two with the same birthday and yetits true. The last thing you want is to be cooking dinner and see something slithering on the floor. A team from the Russian Raptor Research and Conservation Network thought they had a great idea when they attached SMS text-based tracking devices to 13 steppe eagles. However, the plan was foiled by British spies. The main culprit is Malaria, a disease that may be responsible for killing up to half of all the people who have ever lived. Check out these 7 mind-blowing facts about punctuation. Unfortunately, the keys were prone to jamming so, as the story goes, Shoals designed the keyboard to slow typists down by placing the most commonly used letters far apart. Beer in Russia was considered a soft drink up until2011. However, you might reconsider that opinion when you find out that the longest tiramisu ever created was 897 feet and 3 inches long. August 6, 2021. in Facts, Human Behavior, Mental Health. Did you know some types of lobsters can live forever? When El Salvador won the play-off, riots erupted. Finally, in 1974, the brand shortened its name to H&M. This one can be visited year-round, and is cooled by solar panels during the summer. The earth isnt round. People used to think that some lambs grew on trees. He was seated in the balcony directly across from the president and says he heard the shot, saw Lincoln slumped over, and watched John Wilkes Booth jump on to the stage before fleeing. Snapping shrimp, also known as pistol shrimp, have a biological mechanism that allows them to fire bubble bullets. WE MAY GET PAID IF YOU BUY SOMETHING OR TAKE AN ACTION AFTER CLICKING ONE OF THESE. It wasn't until 1825 that scientist Georges Cuvier disproved the mystical creature's existence, stating that it was not feasible for an animal with a split hoof to have a single horn emerging from its head, according to National Geographic. 3 trillion trees on Earth but only 300 to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way. They had reportedly chosen the title to protest Sweden's strict name-related laws, which is why it may not be surprising that their selection was rejected. So why do they look white? In 18th century England, sugar was a valuable commodity that was consumed in excess. For years the Bible held the number one spot as the most-highlighted book on Amazon but in 2018 it was overtaken when The 4-Hour Workweek, by Tim Ferriss claimed the top spot. Urine was once used It may sound like a case of selling ice to Eskimos but ever since 2002 the middle eastern country has been importing both sand and camels from Australia as their own supplies have run short. Incredible Hulk was originally supposed to be gray. It was an effective sealant, but it turned the mixture red in color. Irene Tripletts father, Mose, served in both the Union and Confederate armies and because of his service, his wife and children were granted a pension for as long as they livein Irenes case, thats at least 90 years! If you rub a clove of garlic on the bottom of your barefoot, youll be able to taste garlic in your mouth. "Oxymoron" is derived from the Greek words "oxys," meaning "sharp," and "moronos," meaning "dull" or "stupid.". ", According to The Guardian, this glow is "the result of highly reactive free radicals produced through cell respiration interacting with free-floating lipids and proteins. Yoda and Miss Piggy were voiced by the same person Frank Oz. When you think of places that boast plenty of shorelines, your mind probably goes straight to the coastal states. Let us look further with these five mind-blowing dining car facts. The pictograph best reflected the ethos, mood, and preoccupations of 2015, they said. The U.S. government has an official plan for a zombie apocalypse. So because their seeds are on the outside all those berries arent actually berries. 6. This is how new materials are being discovered with AI. That's because tomatoes are highly acidic, and so when European aristocrats ate them off their pewter plates, the food leached lead from the dish and passed it on to the diner. Humans are the only animals whose brains shrink as they age. In fact, there's so much of the precious metal down there that if it were to cover Earth's surface, it would create a layer that was about 13 inches thick. Amateur players pay a premium of $65 a year for $3,500 in coverage. Here are 100 brand new mind-blowing facts that might make you rethink how much you think you know. The Georgian word, which doesn't have an English equivalent, translates to "I accidentally ate the whole thing.". When not on his computer he enjoys traveling, eating pizza, and watching 80s action films. 14 Most Disturbing Documentaries of All Time, 24 Hilarious Comic Strips That Will Have Dying With Laughter, Top Celebrity Cars: Vehicles of the Rich and Famous, 10 Headshot Survivors Who Miraculously Cheated Death, Depression Through Art: How It Helps People Cope With Mental Health Issues, 95 Weird American Facts You Wont Believe Are True. This may be a mythother sources say the letter placement may be based on telegraph protocolbut at least it makes you feel like your hunt-n-peck typing isnt your fault! And for more trivia about all creatures great and small, here are 50 Animal Facts That Will Change the Way You View the Animal Kingdom. While it's pretty cool to think of our bodies shimmering like a diamond, the scientists also explained why we can't see the shiny sheen, writing, "The intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1,000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eyes. The word "oxymoron" is an oxymoron itself. Samuel J. Seymour was just five years old when he attended a play at Fords Theater on that fateful evening of April 14, 1865. But as time went on and electrical refrigerators were released, this tradition evolved and became "Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day." Peanuts arent actually nuts. Polar bears may be known as being so white they can hide in snow but the truth is they arent white at all. Persian men started the high heel trend in the 10th century and the shoes were mostly considered masculine fashion until the 18th century when women claimed them. But if you overindulge in too many treats, then you might notice a little "kummerspeck," which is what Germans call the weight you put on due to emotional eating. Greenland sharks, which are also known as gurry sharks or grey sharks, tend to live long lives. Love mind-blowing facts? The parrot was present in the home where Jackson died and as the funeral commenced began cursing in such colorful language that it had to be removed from the house. So the Mongolian navy is one tugboat with a seven-man crew. From then on, that combo became known as Margherita. WebWhat are some mind blowing facts about weed? India's Sathar Adhoor has a book collection that is surprisingly huge, especially considering that it's made up of teeny tiny versions of literature. According to BBC News, Osborne started out hiccuping about 40 times a minute, though eventually it slowed down to 20 a minute. Several countries, including Mexico, Germany, and Austria, see the desire to escape prison as basic human nature rather than an unlawful act. What better way to cope with the cold than by learning all 421 Scottish words for "snow." The massive pig who "is part of a herd that's being bred to become giant swine" will eventually be sold for meat, and due to its size, will likely bring in around $1,400. The Test Ban Treaty of 1963 put a stop to most atmospheric and underwater tests, and carbon-14 levels in the atmosphere started a slow return to normalthough they are still higher than pre-nuclear levelsas ocean waters and land-based life absorbed carbon from the air.". If you've ever put your phone in the back pocket of your pants, you're probably aware that your backside poses a danger to it: People often forget their phone is there when they sit down, which can result in a crushed and broken device. The human nose can detect more than 1 trillion smells. Take your time to say it slowly, and you'll notice that each 'c' is said differentlythe first with an 's' sound, the second as a hard 'ck' sound, and the third with a 'sh' sound. On the flip side, here are 12 Martin Luther King, Jr. facts that just arent true. He sold The Red Vineyard for 400 Francs. Adhoor is the owner of the world's largest collection of miniature books, which includes 3,137 unique miniature books. Yet both of us have the same number of bones in our necks: Seven. He died before the establishment was finished. Gradually, trailers started spreading in popularity. The tradition started with putting a piece of cloth or linen from one's bedroom on their larder, the precursor to the fridge. "The key selling point, perhaps not surprisingly, is all the things the computer doesn't do," according to NPR. Tobias is a content specialist with over a decade of experience writing about men's lifestyles for a variety of publications around the world. The government offices of the tiny Pacific island nation are located in the Yaren District. High heels have become such an icon of stereotypical femininity that many women feel an outfit is incomplete without them. When written down, the word almost is the longest word in the English language to have all of its letters in alphabetical order. ", Or, specifically, around 457,000 calories, according to a 2011 study in the Journal of Experimental Biology. Switch skin Switch to the dark Both escalators are housed in banks. And fans of the chilly treat will surely squeal over the largest scoop of ice cream ever, which weighed 3,010 pounds. Between 1960 and 1965, when John F. Kennedy was president of the United States, the world's population was between 3 and 3.3 billion. As of May 2019, the world population was estimated to be 7.6 billion. More than 800 languages are spoken in New York City. Their skin is black and the hairs in their fur are hollow and clear, its actually in the unincorporated city of Paradise, Champawat tiger, who killed 435 people in Nepal and India. Mind Blowing Stoner Facts In 2013, California authorities seized 329 outdoor grow sites Authorities Confiscated 2 million Plants 119, pounds of trash 17,000 pounds of fertilizer 40 gallons of pesticides 244 propane tanks 6 car batteries 8g illegal dams 81 Every two minutes people take more photos than were taken in the entire 19th century. The Bloukrans Bridge, Western Cape, South Africa, is the highest commercial natural bungee jump in the world. Cool weed facts and dope stoner content, makes for a chill stoner session. The sound designer confessed, Its somewhat embarrassing, but when the raptors bark at each other to communicate, its a tortoise having sex.. That blanket of ash shielded the planet from the sun, which led to "the year without a summer." Scientists estimate that in about 5 billion years, our Sun will expand becoming a Red Giant. Don't believe us? The first time a toilet appeared on TV was in 1957. In order to leave their post, they must be escorted by agency "minders." The cigarette lighter was invented before the match stick. Here are ten interesting facts about the human mind and brain that you may not know. Because of this, the character only popped up in the first few issues as a furious gray figure. But it turns out that all bodies emit a tiny amount of light. Its called the Pink Frogmouth. Language experts have suggested that cows have regional accents just like humans. That means that the pyramid was completed more than 2,500 years before Cleopatra's time. Every atom in your body is billions of years old. Here are 10 secret messages hidden in world-famous paintings. When you think of Saudi Arabia, two of the first images that likely pop into your head are vast deserts of sand and lines of camels. As a result, if someone had black teeth, a sign of eating too much sugar, they were considered to be wealthy. But perhaps the saddest part is that only one of them knows how to swim. Read on for more weird facts that most people dont know. Text messages sent by eagles bankrupted a scientific study. That's why the beloved theme park could fit inside of Canada 81,975 times. 100 interesting facts about practically everything. Cleopatra lived closer in time to the moon landing than to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. There's even a Facebook page devoted to it! You could visit a newbeach every day for over 27 years. Proof that Internet culture has overtaken reality: In 2015, Oxford dictionaries chose the smiling with tears of joy emoji as its official word of the year. Human teeth are as strong as shark teeth. Or maybe it was anchovies or olives. ", Being a human that glows sounds like something out of a superhero movie. Human bodies give off a tiny amount of light that glows. Think the famed Sahara desert is big? So just imagine how hard it must have been to ride a bike that stretched for 135 feet and 10.7 inches, making it the longest bicycle in the world. In the early '80s, they did a series of PSAs to promote the benefits of space technology. But you'd be surprised how much you don't know about it! Celebrities are known for giving their children unique namesVogue points out that A-lister kid names include Gravity, Pilot Inspektor, Apple, and, of course, North, Saint, and Chicago. Wasps are more likely to attack at the end of summer. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. A shark's teeth might be more feared, but human teeth are just as strong. There are now giant pigs as heavy as polar bears. And since it resides in such a dry area, it's learned to adapt by getting all of the hydration it needs via the seeds it eats. 1. The Ethiopian calendar is seven years behind the rest of the world. The longest time between two twins being born is 87 days. In his writing, he claimed that the brother and sister were actually murderous adult siblings who had lived in the mid-17th century and had killed a witch in order to get their hands on her recipe for a gingerbread-like treat. All Rights Reserved. They use "cruel kindness" to illustrate their point. "The Ethiopian Orthodox Church believes Jesus Christ was born in 7 BC, 5,500 years after God's promise to Adam and Eve." For instance, did you know there are more cells of bacteria in your body than there are human cells? According to Guinness World Records, "Liza's attempt had the added pressure of taking place in public, with fellow colleagues and caf goers watching her every move and enjoying the cappuccinos, which were given away as she made them.". If you want to be super technical, the real term is octothorpe. WebComments Off on 25 More Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind! However, as we get older, taste buds stop being replaced, and those numbers start to decrease. The kangaroo mouse never needs to drink water.. Its no doubt that Vikings were some of the toughest men in history books. The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! That seems like a long time agoand it was! But the strip is misnamedits actually in the unincorporated city of Paradise. The Las Vegas Strip isnt really in Las Vegas. Share these weird (but true!) If you want to sing along, all you need to do is croon, "Beyond the rim of the star-light, my love is wand'ring in star-flight". A piece of 10,000-year-old chewing gum was found. 52 Fascinating And Mind-Blowing Facts That Will Have You Startled 1. Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Meredith Health Group. It would take 12,00,000 mosquitoes sucking at once to completely drain a human of blood. Several Chinese emperors died from taking an "immortality" elixir. If science is your jam, read these18 science facts you never learned in school. Aside from the black outer coloractually an extremely dark shade of purplethese apples look just like other Red Delicious apples, down to the white flesh inside. The story apparently caused an "uproar," according to Atlas Obscura, who note that the Berliner Zeitung newspaper even asked readers if this was an example of "a criminal case from the early capitalist era." For every pound of weed grown indoor 4,600 pounds of CO2 enters the atmosphere. That's why Leave It to Beaver ran into a problem in 1957 when one script included the show's main characters keeping their pet alligator in a toilet tank. Human teeth are just as strong as shark teeth. This is the only U.S. state whose name can be typed on just one row of keys. When seen from above, lake Hillier looks bright, bubblegum pink. Yep, you read that correctly. Chinese emperors who wanted to extend their lifespan would take elixirs that were thought to bring on immortality. There are about 3 trillion trees on Earth but only 300 to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way. Hilariously, it literally translates to "grief bacon.". These are the only 5 countries in the world without airports. 50 Mind-Blowing Psychology Facts You Should Know by PSYCHSIDE August 6, 2021 in Facts, Human Behavior, Mental Health We are happy to bring you the most researched 50 interesting psychology facts about love, human behavior, men, women, personality, etc. Spain,Sweden,andSwitzerland all remained neutral during World War II. Its base is the size of Arizona and the highest point is over 16 miles tall (Everest is 5.5 miles above sea level). Americans thought tomatoes were poisonous until the early 19th century. Even stranger, with 75 people in the room, theres a 99 percent chance of shared birthdays. You may find that your mouth gets a little dry when you're nervous. Humans and giraffes have the same number of neck bones. The first loaf of machine-sliced bread was sold in 1928. The extra cash comes in handy if a golfer nails the impressive feat and is then expected to celebrate by paying for food, drinks, and gifts, which can cost quite a bit. Think about this the next time you simply toss the flavor you don't like. However, they were originally called Jasper and Jinx and no reason was given for the less-alliterative switcheroo. The longest word you can type with just your left hand is Sweaterdresses.. This also results in quicksand and sandstorms, which can lead to drowning by sand. We are happy to bring you the The definition of a desert is simply a place that receives less than ten inches of precipitation per yearit doesnt have to be hot! More French soldiers died during World War I than American soldiers during all of U.S. history. In conjunction with that, the deep intake of breath forces a downward flow of spinal fluid and blood from the brain. If you folded a piece of paper 42 times, it would be thick enough to reach the moon. Minnesota has more shoreline than California, Florida, and Hawaii combined. Originally thought to be a social cue, a series of experiments actually suggests a different reason for this bodily function. Writing and Reading. But perhaps the funniest illustration of this is the fact that there are only two escalators in the entire state. It was thought to be extinct but there are a few places in the world it is still grown so you can taste and decide for yourself! President Ulysses S. Grant was arrested for speeding on a horse. CoffeeBeanoMan [ confirmed] The color orange was named after the fruit, not the other way around.. "In a farm deep in the southern region of China lives a very big pig that's as heavy as a polar bear," according to Bloomberg. 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