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Social Media Clothing Brands and Fitness commercials can cause serious judgemental harm to women due to not living up to ideal beauty. Who is to decide the beauty standard of men and women? Celebrities and the media play a big part on the beauty . Body image has become a huge issue in society today, with magazines such as Shape, Covergirl, Vogue, Seventeen, or celebrities such as Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, or Kylie Jenner. Plastic Surgery Solutions: 1. Also, eating disorders are beginning to start at an alarming young age. 409 . Self-esteem plays a big part of body image. The primary purpose of a persuasive speech is to nudge an audience into seeing the valid points behind your opinions concerning a specific subject. We have seen how the people who are shown in advertisements, films, TV shows, magazines, and even news channels share certain features in common. Beauty is defined as "the quality of being physically attractive or the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind" (Merriam-Webster dictionary, 2014, para. While there are many possible causes and triggers for these disorders, the medias influence on body image cannot be overlooked. Body image issues have recently started to become a problem in todays society because of social media, magazines, and television. 80% of ten year old girls in america fear getting fat. Example 1 - Support for the reason given above. All of you must have seen how people are portrayed in media and how beauty standards are set for both men and women. Beauty standards in the media are one of many reasons feeding and eating disorders are a rising problem. I will use the sociological imagination to analyze a situation which had a huge impact on me, which will be body image and how media and family affect it. But the standards are still the same. The statistics on teenagers and plastic surgery are shocking, but this is not surprising because teens are vulnerable to having issues with poor. While Teenagers feel that social media is more important than the real world its alot of negative effects of social media. Money can't buy love or happiness. Step 3 - Locate credible and reliable sources and identify evidence in support of . The social sites that we be on will leads to massive amount of depression , anxiety , poor, The song, Scars to Your Beautiful written by Alessia Caracciolo, speaks to the very challenge every young girl experiences by wanting to be seen as beautiful. Also, the article includes the reasons teenage girls choose to have cosmetic surgery and the types of procedures they perform. Beauty has become stigmatized in our culture. . This paper posits that the has been a correlation between mass media' establishment of standards of beauty and body image and unhealthy effects on young women, such as eating disorders, loss of self-esteem, and sexual objectification. Many of these celebrities go out and get plastic surgery, Botox injections, and Silicone implants. Every day we see stick thin . And why do you feel such a need to fulfil it? Kids who should be worried more about spelling words and math problems are being wrapped into the Medias image of a perfect body. When creating a persuasive speech or essay, it is essential to have three components. Hire a professional writer and get a convincing statement that will take you one step closer to the desired goal. Celebrities have influenced girls to look like them.When people see other women or men who they consider perfect they start to idolize them. We live in a world in which our society influences our everyday routine, behaviors, actions and how we see ourselves. How are people of the darker shade any less beautiful than the fair-skinned? Teens spend more than one-third of their day on social media looking at stereotypical images of perfect bodies and people. The notion of beauty itself is a social construction that becomes normative despite the fact that it is often used a tool for social control. Girls should be comfortable and confident in their image. They seek to replicate these celebrities. Customer Reviews. Teens are more afraid of gaining weight than they are of cancer, nuclear war, or losing a parent. In comparison to the photoshop picture she appears to be less physically fit.There are many reasons to how celebrities have influenced girls to look like them. The media states that a perfect person is skinny, tan, has shiny hair, straight teeth, and completely clear skin. **This resource is part of the Writing Graphic Organizers Bundle. Being bombarded by negative images of tanned, blonde and skinny to the point of sickly all-over the media can really have harmful impacts at this age when teens are already sensitive to what people think about them. More by this author. What is sociological imagination? 66% of 17-21-year-olds would agree that there is not enough diversity among high-profile women in the media and 56% of women say seeing body diversity in the media made them feel better about themselves. An account wrote, What are they giving Kylie? and someone quoted the tweet and said plastic. Not knowing in the next five minutes theyll be comparing their bodies to the model and feeling bad about themselves wishing that they had her body. ; Environmental activism: Climate change, offshore oil drilling, and green technology are just a few of the hot-button . Example 2 - Support for the reason given above. Society puts too much pressure on females to have the perfect body. Women are starving themselves and men are abusing steroids in a never ending quest to achieve what is to be believed is the perfect body. But not everyone is born with that idealistic figure, so society sees plastic surgery as a way to reach the ideal. Why it's wrong for the media to promote a certain beauty standard THESIS 1.) My thesis statement is: I'd like to talk about the . This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start. Bordo focuses on body image and our perception of beauty and how we are supposed to look according to the media. Cooking should be taught in schools. Then dispute those objections with additional facts, examples, and anecdotes. For example, Kylie Jenner, if you grew up watching Keeping up with the Kardashians you know how she looked before all the plastic surgery she got done, she now looks completely different. 112 Engaging Persuasive Speech Topics. This displays just how extremely thin and unrealistic these models are. According to Peta Stapleton, Gabrielle J. Crighton, Brett Carter, and Aileen Pidgeon(2017), body dissatisfaction is defined as dysfunctional, negative thoughts and feelings pertaining to ones weight and shape. Specifically, Kathleen Berger (2014) states, Many adolescents obsess about being too short or too tall, too wide in the hips or too narrow, Id like to start this presentation off with a question for you. Often times, women are seen as objects. But then, every single woman they see on TV, in movies, in magazines, any woman considered hot and beautiful doesnt look like them anymore, which brings on deadly disorders like anorexia and bulumia that wreck the lives of young girls. Many have developed serious mental health issues, identity issues and even body dysmorphia trying to emulate the beauty standards that are . 97% of all women who had participated in a recent poll by Glamour magazine were self-deprecating about their body image at least once during their lives(Lin 102). However, by promoting a positive body campaign, stopping the portrayal of fake and photoshopped models in the media, and expanding the diversity of models, we could lift unrealistic body standards and start accepting everybody as beautiful. "My problem is the top of my legs and my bottom, which sticks out. that the shape of woman's body is valued over its health. Every day people starve themselves just to fit into societys mold of what the perfect person looks like. Only 5% of women in the U.S. are said to naturally have the picture-perfect body that is portrayed in media. Women have a major difficulty with accepting the, The Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons, unlike the Americans do not gather statistics, but Canadian surgeons say they are seeing the same increase in plastic surgery among the millennial youth (Thomas, 2015). Celebrities are aware of their magnetic influence. It is an unnecessary and potentially harmful comparison to. However, many people with body image issues are adolescents and younger adults. When women are uncomfortable with their body, they get taken advantage of by companies trying to sell their products varying from protein shakes, magic pills, to surgical procedures (Lin). 578 . Persuasive speech topics are typically thought of . Beauty standards are set so only these people benefit, but this world is full of people of all shapes and sizes, no one person is exactly the same, even twins, so why should beauty standards be of the same look, we should embrace our differences and appreciate and promote diversity, instead of models all looking like clones of e3ach other, the catwalk should be full of men and women comfortable in their own skin, wearing fashion pieces modelled around their bodies, not shaping them. The author states that, magazine images are routinely airbrushed: thighs slimmed, wrinkles smoothed and blemishes removed (29). Showing thin models next to them which leads girls to eating disorders, harming their bodies so they have an ideal image of what they think they should look like. Perfect writing solutions to all your enigmas. Nothing is ever good enough is what it feels like. Popular culture has influenced what is to be perceived as beautiful, especially in women. Which then enforces unhealthy and unrealistic beauty ideals that negatively affect women's self-image and their body image because society has attributed beauty to self worth. Society creates a standard of beauty for women that often changes along with society due to a new perspective on what it means to be beautiful in our culture. The serious problem we haven't addressed are the subversive messages our corporate owners inculcate us with through media. Persuasive Speech Body Image and the Media .ppt 1. Changing how the world looks at each other starts with each and every one of us Take the movie Cinderella for example. Body image is a major issue for young ballet dancers with potentially life-damaging consequences because of the distorted idea of body image instilled in them at such a young age. Specific Purpose Statement: It is wrong for media sources to construct our understanding of beauty, as the standards for beauty on these platforms are unrealistic.. Central Idea: Through viewing advertisements, and viewing other people on social media platforms, it shapes our understanding of what is means to be beautiful. They are viewed based on their outer appearances. Diversity and Representation Body Image Issues The Male and Female Perspective Plastic Surgery Normalization and Encouragement Our society places too much emphasis on our appearances, forcing many to undergo drastic changes to become beautiful. Many people begin to develop issues concerning their body and image. Women in todays society are displayed negatively which influences women to do harmful things to themselves. Cinderella is portrayed as a beautiful, thin, feminine female while her ugly stepsisters are shown as short, overweight and masculine. Today, more than ever, teenagers and adolescents have many concerns about their weight, shape, size, and body image. As youre walking down a street you may notice a young group of girls or women walking and they see a huge billboard of a beautiful model. Or how much you hate your nose, your hips, your breasts, the cellulite on the backs of your thighs? Persuasive Speech Outline Sarah Collins My topic is: Is it wrong for the media to promote an unrealistic beauty standard and what can we do about it? Every single day women are faced with the questions of whether they are pretty enough, skinny enough, whether men are attracted to them, whether they can be loved or not, and whether people think they are beautiful. Here are some tips to help you finish your persuasive speech in the best quality: 1. As girls begin to hit puberty, their bodies start to change. Open Document. Many women around the world have struggled with their weight and how others see them. Dont you think this is wrong? You can explore different ideas of beauty over . And because were all different, theres. 7 Pages. This student's outline is well developed, coherent, integrates research, follows a strong organizational pattern, and meets all expectations of an outline in a public speaking course. Choose a writer for your task among hundreds of professionals. The establishment of these unrealistic beauty standards have caused campaigns like the Lane Bryant "#This Body" to shine a light upon the women of color and different physiques. The most important part of a persuasive speech is the conclusion, second to the introduction and thesis statement. Always check your products, toothpaste. In her eyes, nothing can replace person-to-person communication. Zendaya Coleman saw a picture of herself on a magazine and became upset about how her picture was edited. 3. PERSUASIVE SPEECH (WHY SHOULD PEOPLE MORE CONNECT WITH NATURE) . The Plastic Generation (Persuasive Speech on Child Cosmetic Surgery) The first problem that contributes to adolescent cosmetic surgery is pressure from the media. Or stick if she's too skinny. According to statistics, a majority of adolescents are dissatisfied with their bodies. Some women will begin to think that they are ugly, unacceptable, substandard, the list goes on. Make argument writing easier on you and your students with these printable, editable, and digital graphic organizers! In this world that we are, we especially women always want to do our best to have. For example, if someone wants to lose weight and they see that Beyonce has done a 30 day lemon detox and it helped her lose weight, they will try to follow suit. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. There still are advertisements where a female gets promoted or gets an increase in salary and recognition after she uses a fairness product. It can control our brains in many ways , for example if we see a picture with food people might stare at it and end up getting hungry that's a way that social things can control our brain cells. Perhaps the greatest example of the dangers of child beauty pageants is the story of six year old Jon Bent. We want to look like them, eat like them, exercise like them, talk like them. There are many beauty standards but weight and body size is slowly becoming the main focus. Around 69% of girls say that models influence their idea of the perfect body. 7 in 10 girls believe they are not good enough. Please try again later. Thirdly, we can discuss the healthy and suitable way to achieve your own personal appearance goals. This causes many girls feeling that they arent good enough in society, society wont accept them because they arent perfect and they start to not like their body. Being surrounded by societys definitions of beauty has definitely taken a toll on American womens confidence. Education makes us happier people. Documents Hi Uffe, unrealistic beauty standards are unattainable for the majority of the population. Men and women nowadays are starting to lose self-confidence in themselves and their body shape, which is negatively impacting the definition of how beauty and body shape are portrayed. How to write a persuasive speech. We can embrace our sizes, our shapes, our freckles, our foibles. Many women around the world have struggled with their weight and how others see them. 97% of all women who had participated in a recent poll by Glamour magazine were self-deprecating about their body image at least once during their lives(Lin 102). Issues : 1. While Amanda Vogels article Body Image: The Impact of Social Media published in 2015 explains the positive side of the issue. Wrap up your persuasive speech with a strong conclusion. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Every day, boys look at themselves and say, "too scrawny", "to fat", "not enough muscles". They see other women who look different than they do and think to themselves why can 't i look like that. My specific purpose is: The purpose of my speech is to make the audience believe that the media should promote body positivity, instead of promoting specific, unrealistic beauty standards. These standards for beauty create what our society believes makes a woman desirable, attractive, perfect, and overall beautiful. What is known about beauty standards is that they vary a great deal across time and culture. Whether its magazine covers, instagram, twitter, on television or just on the world wide web in general, everywhere we look we see stunning models. The unrealistic body types of being extremely thin, in pop culture, are influential factors for many teens, especially teen girls. If one compares women body shape and size in the Victorian era with the women ideal body shape of the present day, today's models obviously look emaciated. Answer (1 of 4): Pale skin If you have ever been to South East Asia, ypu would know that we aren't that fair as the people in east Asia. They photoshopped her to look thinner, have more appealing features, and even changed the shape and color of her hands. Men and women nowadays are starting to lose self-confidence in themselves and their body shape, which is negatively impacting the definition of how beauty and body shape are portrayed. When thirteen-year-old Alyssa looks into the mirror, she runs through a list of everything she hates about her body, "I wish my stomach was flatter, my chest was bigger, my thighs were skinnier, my arms were more toned, and my waist was smaller.". Beauty standards are portrayed everywhere: on magazines, social media, ads, commercials, and even flaunted among peers. Figure two indicates that the chances of girls dieting are 2.2 times likely than men. The lack of connection between the real and ideal perception of their own body and firm willingness to modify their own body and shape so as to standardize them to social concept of thinness (Dixit 1), being focused on unrealistic expectations can cause women to lose themselves and change their attitude on how they view their body, and not for the better. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. A Speech on "Impact of Beauty Standards Portrayed in Media on Adolescents.". One girl had even shared how one of her best friends discovered that her fifth grade cousin was bulimic. The ballet school environment has been called a weight-obsessed subculture and a breeding ground for eating disorders. People tend to compare themselves with others. Alyssa does not look like all those girls and this makes her feel gross, insecure and out of place. Eating meat is unethical. C. Wright Mills defined the sociological imagination as the capacity for individuals to understand the relationship between their individual lives and the broad social forces that influence them. Societys emphasis on physical appearance makes many people feel pressured to change their appearance so they can be, Young dancers and their bodies is a topic rarely out of the news right now. Persuasive Speech About Beauty Standards, Cause And Effect Essay About Pollution, General Computer Knowledge Resume, Oregon Cis Resume, Resume Toronto Canada, Popular Movie Review Writers For Hire Us, Tracing Worksheets Math Business Enquiries. What is more, the song contrasts the lengths women will go to in order to make themselves appear more beautiful, but perhaps the line you should know, youre beautiful the way you are is the most profound statement for this generation. Piggy and fatty if they're overweight. Persuasive Speech About Beauty Standards - 14 days. In todays society there has been a rise on obsessing over the thin ideal body which many people think that media plays a role to it. Beauty standards are often defined in terms of . Persuasive Speech About Beauty Standards: User ID: 231078 / Mar 3, 2021. Women, especially teenagers, find themselves thinking that they have to look like the model they saw in a magazine, or on social media. When reading chapters seven and eight from Peggy Orenstein book, Cinderella Ate My Daughter, it was interesting and yet horrifying to see it written out on paper. Despite the fact they may say or act otherwise, most girls have gone through a phase where they feel uncomfortable in their own skin. Nowadays we are surrounded with billions of images and we are influenced by the people we see in magazines and advertisements. Wortham swears by apps and is grateful that she can communicate with her boyfriend who is three thousand miles away. Customer Reviews. Adolescents and women are surrounded with the idea of cultures perfect body type where girls are stick thin and gorgeous. Body image is something that is a constant struggle for many. Value yourself and think beyond the stereotypes. "Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. Teenagers, especially, feel the need to conform to society's view of the perfect body. Or is it because you feel your beauty is not up to standard or even non-exist ant? With the increase in media exposure . By adopting a realistic and positive perception of ourselves, we can live happier, healthier, more rewarding lives. * Body image issues can deeply. As a person ages body image issues become less significant; they have accepted who they are, and are not bothered by how they look to others. We are all unique. 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They might stop and stare at her and then discuss about her perfect her body is. As a result, they become insecure about themselves because they are not like the people in the pictures. The media influences people all the time to have a negative body image and nobody is doing anything to stop it. What is more, the song contrasts the lengths women will go to in order to make themselves appear more beautiful, but perhaps the line you should know, youre beautiful the way you are is the most profound statement for this generation. The best quality: 1. buy love or happiness a parent issues their..., nuclear war, or losing a parent 5 % of women in the best quality: 1 ). And every one of her hands is known about beauty standards are set for men... Of negative effects of social media published in 2015 explains the positive side of the perfect body uses a product... Person is skinny, tan, has shiny hair, straight teeth, and expository writing at 25. 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