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Historians believe that the hot dogs lineage can be traced back to Roman times and emperor Nero, whose cook, Gaius, is thought to have linked the first-ever sausage. Except, of course: It hasnt been. By that definition, sure, a hot dog is a sandwich. How Long Does It Take To Cook A Hotdog In A Solar Cooker? With this logic, a taco is not a sandwich, neither is a wrap or a corn dog. Mittenthal has been exposed to every conceivable rebuttal argument as well. Eric Mittenthal, president of the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, said he's been asked this question just about daily for the past five to six years and his answer is the same. The latest reminder of all this frankfurterian fighting came this week, and from that most American of institutions: the NFL. The whole assemblage must be fundamentally portable. But they most definitely have not completely deviated from their primitive ancestor The sandwich. What started as humble street food designed for busy New Yorkers became a national icon in a league of its own. There is no way that this can be considered a sandwich in any sense, given that the hot dog bun does not split in half the way that two pieces of bread would. I suppose I should start with the dictionary definition of sandwich: "an item of food consisting of two pieces of . The hot dog should be placed in its own distinct subset, which is referred to as the sausage-in-a-bun subset. And you would be wrong with any of those claims. Whether a hot dog is a sandwich can change how it's taxed and regulated. It is simply a hot dog a fundamental entity that represents America and the joy of summer.". Is a hot dog the same thing as a sandwich? Others focused on the connected bun of a hot dog as opposed to separated bread. Hot dogs make a great mock lobster roll, and we have the video to prove it. All important questions and the kind of murky hypotheticals that inspire rigorous debate in the hallowed halls of universities, at dinner tables, on the Internet, and of course, a few drinks in at a party. The first reason a hot dog is not a sandwich is because of the way it's prepared and eaten. ; 3 3.Here's why a Hot Dog Is a Sandwich - Jesuit Roundup; 4 4.Let's Settle It: Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich? 4) and, yes, the hot dog. Its a sub, except it comes on a hotdog. A churro is a particular variety of ringed, fried doughnut that is often filled with dulce de leche and is popular in certain countries, Colombia being one of those countries. Our suggestion: Forget the definition and simply enjoy the dish. Heres why. Even the most storied, experienced, scientifically inclined master charcuterie-maker takes great pleasure in creating a comprehensive hot dog menu (see main image). Hamburgers, French dips and PB&Js all conform to this standard, along with many other sandwiches. And for the past decade, another contentious thought experiment has kept inquiring minds up at night, making memes, and arguing in the furthest reaches of Reddit: Is a hot dog a sandwich? The word sandwich comes from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, which describes it as two or more slices of bread or a split roll containing a filling in between. Despite the fact that a hot dog is, by all accounts, a sandwich, there is a widespread consensus among us that hot dogs do not qualify. During the Middle Ages (as far back as the 6th century), thick blocks of coarse, stale bread were used in place of plates. A hot dog? And if you asked them to define a sandwich, no one would say, a tubular piece of meat that fits into a bun,' Pink says. What Channel Is The Hotdog Eating Contest On? Gay marriage, gender equality, weed legalization, capital punishment these are the widely contested topics that define our generation. All Rights Reserved. So, even in some demented world where you think a hot dog has the qualities of a sandwich, you would never (ever) refer to it as such, "because it has a more specificand therefore more meaningfulname. I'll call Oreos sandwiches, burgers sandwiches (don't @ me), and chicken sandwiches, well, sandwiches. IF you STILL do not agree with me, check with the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council who defines hot dogs SPECIFICALLY as not being a sandwich. 3), the KFC Double Down (fails No. 3. But the hot dog as we know it likely evolved from common sausages brought to American shores by generations of immigrant butchers from a variety of European countries. Hot dogs, by contrast, are different on both counts. The sandwich was supposedly invented in 1762 by John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich. I plan to consume calories in the form of meals. A hot dog is a unique thing, she declared. [1] [2] [3] The sandwich began as a portable, convenient finger food in the Western world, though over time it has become . As the official voice of hot dogs . Except, of course: It hasnt been. Classic lawyer move. BUT, you can NOT tell me that a Corndog is a sandwich. Its one of the biggest food debates of all time. Regardless of what the definition of wonderful may be, here are 12 reasons why hot dogs are still awesome. Or that wine is juice. The word sandwich comes from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, which describes it as two or more slices of bread or a split roll containing a filling in between. Despite the fact that a hot dog is, by all accounts, a sandwich, there is a widespread consensus among us that hot dogs do not qualify. DEBATE: Student body presidential candidates discuss campaign platforms, privilege fee, mental health, OPINION: Second round of presidential debates more civil than first, reveal little new information, OPINION: Recent election seasons are proving Americas two-party system to be insufficient. Required fields are marked *. What's the next insane topic this guy's going to want to debate? However, it should not be confused with a sandwich in any way. In my opinion, this is not a traditional sandwich at all. Sandwich. Folklore says that Montagu had a severe gambling problem and did not want to take the time for a meal during his long hours playing at the card table. On the one hand, hot dogs, structurally, hew to that most sandwichy of arrangements: They are processed protein, surrounded by processed carbohydrate. Its called a hot dog when its on a bun. And let's not even with the abomination below. Its possible that a jest about their skinny, long, and little dogs was the origin of the moniker hot dog. In point of fact, the Germans referred to their food as dachshund sausages or small dog, which is how the word dog became synonymous with the term hot dog.. But it's not. A dent in the validity of that origin story: According to the NHDSC, historians have been unable to locate the cartoon. The hot dog, he explains time and again, is in a classification of its own. After all, the question of whether or not a burrito is a sandwich made it all the way to Pennsylvania court. He says the best way to eat a hot dog is on a potato bun with mustard, sauerkraut, and onions, but the beauty of the hot dog is that you can eat it however you want, even if that means ruining it with ketchup. BLT? "If you go to a hot dog vendor and you say give me a sandwich, they're going to look at you like you're crazy. During that period, it was customary to starve pigs for a week prior to slaughter. You don't go to a concession stand and ask for a hot dog sandwich. In accordance with this 4-point test, in order for a food to qualify as a sandwich it must consist of two exterior pieces that are separate or mostly separate. The Lance takes on the most important debate of our time, Alexandra George, Staff Writer|April 20, 2018. So there you have it. These exterior pieces must also be carb based. 4. A sandwich is first and foremost either two pieces of bread with a filling placed in between them or a single slice of bread that has been covered in food, and secondarily it is anything that resembles a sandwich. 1. Thus, the sausage was born. If someone came into Pinks and said, I want a sandwich, wed politely say, We dont serve those. Here's why. And to Quinn, it is every bit deserving of such stature. According to the legend, Gaius discovered that one of his pigs had been served cooked, but somehow was not fully cleaned, meaning that the intestines and organs had not been removed. Sandwich or not, Mittenthal and Quinn both agree on one thing ketchup has no place on a hot dog. Like the gyro, the wrap, the taco, and other food items that appear to meet the sandwich category but are not technically sandwiches, scientists have come to the conclusion that a hot dog is a unique food item that deserves to be placed in its own category. , at least follow all the way through with it. It's a humble, unassuming category of cuisine, and its purported origins are pragmatic. A hot dog can go by many names Frankfurter, frank, weiner, wiener, bratwurst, brat, wienerwurst, weenie, tube steak (this is the funniest), sausage, banger, glizzy, or boaster. Some people believe that a Hot Dog is actually a Sandwich. Yes, most certainly, and the separation of filling and bun is important to distinguishing sandwiches from cousins like the stromboli or the empanada. You really can argue it both ways, which is of course what gives the debate so much, er, meat. The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council released "official policy" refuting the dictionary's stance. This is due to the fact that the definition of sandwich is . It's meat between bread," Quinn said. There are a lot of doughnuts in the shape of sticks, even if they might not be quite as long and slender as churros. And you would be wrong with any of those claims. The Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsberg Does Not Actually Consider Them to Be Sandwiches, The history of the sandwich is not the same as the history of the hot dog. To reduce hot dogs to the category of sandwich is an inaccuracy comparable with calling The Bachelor a reality TV show. Sure, by definition MAYBE it could be classified as such, BUT is it really reality? The traditional components of a sandwich are the two pieces of bread (or, in the case of a hot dog, the bun) that contain the meat and are held together by mayonnaise and mustard. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hold on for a second. Bread is not often used in the preparation of tacos. According to our four-point test, cheeseburgers and Oreos qualify as sandwiches. When I presented the debate results to the Food52 editorial team, our team Slack channel went off. However, it should not be confused with a sandwich in any way. Copyright 2023 Distractify. On the other hand, hot dogs most certainly do not. Using loose interpretations of the USDAs definitions, Rich Hope, chief marketing officer at sandwich chain Jersey Mikes, says, There are many ways to do sandwiches, [so] sure, hot dogs can be sandwiches. Therefore, according to a strict definition, both hot dogs and hamburgers can be classified as sandwiches. Which always leads to this one question: Is a hot dog a sandwich or not. The Lance would love to hear it! Vous pouvez modifier vos choix tout moment en consultant vos paramtres de vie prive. Beloit, Kansas, is proud to call me their own, along with several other towns I've lived in that aren't as special to me. Like why there are always eight hot dog buns in a pack when hot dogs are sold in packs of ten. It is also considered to be a sandwich when it is served on the roll. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) describes a sandwich as "two slices of bread, or the top and bottom sections of a sliced bun, that enclose meat or poultry.". The distinction between a sandwich and a hot dog is common knowledge to all of us. The hot dog bun, which was at one time used to shield the hands of the diner from the heat of the tube meat it encased, has since become practically synonymous with the tube meat it encases and is the impetus behind the controversy that surrounds this well-known and delicious dish. 1. There are a lot of doughnuts in the shape of sticks, even if they might not be quite as long and slender as churros. But while the Costco food court has become a prized possession for card-carrying members, much of it thanks to the iconic $1.50 hot dogs, the warehouse retailer is coming under fire for its latest menu item: a $9.99 roast beef sandwich on a hoagie roll spotted at a store in Lynwood, Washington. 2. He didnt know how to spell dachshund, so he simply called it a hot dog. Maybe it will never be. "So then, a hot dog is also a sandwich?". "[Feltman] was an immigrant who went from selling apple pies on the beach to inventing and making a million dollars off of the hot dog. According to this definition, foods such as burritos, hot dogs, gyros, wraps, and tacos do not meet the criteria for the term sandwich. However, a burger, an open-face sandwich, or a closed-face sandwich do meet the criteria for the term sandwich.. 1. We have hot dogs and hamburgers. She has a journalism degree, two spoiled cats, a wicked snow globe collection and a desire to visit all 50 U.S. states by 50 (She just hit no. 1484, eight years before Christopher Columbus set sail for America. Using our four-point criteria, weve determined that cheeseburgers and Oreos both count as sandwiches. All Rights Reserved, 9 Lansdowne Street, Suite 2Boston, MA 02215, Photo courtesy of, Heres What Food Labels Would Say If They Were Honest, What Kind of Coffee You Should Drink During Every Stage of Finals. Recently, it has come to my attention that there are some scallywags who believe the hot dog is in fact a kind of sandwich. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Collegian. The company posted on social media that hot dogs are sandwiches, then it opened a hotline for naysayers to try to convince them otherwise. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary made waves in American popular culture by proclaiming that the hotdog is a sandwich in 2016. Ew! ev. Just like doughnuts, some churros include filling while others do not; this applies to both types. You canbuy my argument or not (you should though because Im totally right), but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Many people argue, though, that while the hot dog technically fits the dictionary definition of a sandwich, it's simply not a sandwich. My favorite part of BBQs has always been the hot dogs. By his definition, is a quesadilla a sandwich, too? Mittenthal notes that in the most recent poll, taken in 2021, just over half of all respondents said they dont believe dogs belong in the sandwich category. When everyone's favorite late food critic did a Reddit AMA a couple of years ago, the Internet asked for his take on this heated topic. Also crucial to sandwich status is portability. It's what makes these hot dogs taste so amazing, whether they're made from beef or any other type of meat. Many compared hot dogs to tacos, and cited the differences between franks and hamburgers. A list about sandwiches should start with the story of the sandwich itself. Since the question first gained traction on the internet almost a decade ago, just about every argument imaginable has been made on the categorization of the quintessential summer food. Thats according not just to the science of the Sandwich Index, but also to one of the people who is vying to lead the nation during these taxonomically troubled times. Meats and other foods were piled on top of the bread to be eaten with their fingers. Some say that a sandwich is anything in between bread, which . Consequently, he would ask his servants to bring him various meats served between two slices of bread. Claire Ballor has been a journalist for six years and is currently the food reporter for The Dallas Morning News. More radical thinkers even argue that calzones, tacos, jelly donuts and Pop Tarts are all sandwiches. This conclusion was reached without qualification by the researchers. 'S ausage is one of the oldest forms of processed food . Its #NationalHotDogDay. Does God exist? Nationally, a hot dog is a sandwich-like product. Earlier this week, the top dog in the matter finally spoke: The National Hot Dog And Sausage Council declared once and for all that a hot dog is not a sandwich. Hot dogs create their own genus with separate species like The Chili Dog, The Turkey Dog, and The Corndog. Just because they share anatomical similarities does not make them the same. The Sandwich Index we created consisted of four points: So. Sure, Merriam Websters dictionary classifies a sandwich as an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, or other filling between them, BUT they fail to mention the fact that sandwiches are also always horizontal. Some believe the hot dog is not a sandwich because a sandwich requires two separate pieces of bread, but critics argue that this would also disqualify a Subway footlong from being a sandwich, and with that logic, a hot dog is in fact a sandwich. However, rising above the fray is another controversy that has sent this country into an ideological wrestling match. "Limiting the hot dog's . But if a hot dog is a sandwich, why are there two separate definitions? It breaks itself free of the sandwich category. The first option is a bread bun that has a sausage placed inside of it, while the second option is two pieces of bread that have something placed in between them. 3. This is due to the fact that the definition of sandwich is two or more slices of bread or a split roll. He requested that sliced meat be placed between two slices of bread, which he could eat with his hands. (cc: @PFTCommenter) Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Her Campus Media LLC. No other country in the world loves hot dogs as much as the United States. IF you STILL do not agree with me, check with the, being a sandwich. Check your facts. Lol yes it is!! "The hot dog is a very American story," he said. No other country in the world loves hot dogs as much as the United States. Most people tend to trace the origin back to Frankfurt, so lets go with that. "You tell me what a sandwich is, and I'll tell you whether a hot dog is a sandwich" was her retort. In fact, two towns in particular claim to be the original birthplace of the modern hot dog. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Michael Quinn, a Coney Island historian, said he believes Charles Feltman intended to create a sandwich when he first put a frankfurter in a bun. A hot dog only has one piece of bread, a sandwich must have two. Those who voted in favor of a hot dog being considered a sandwich do not stand alone in their position. I will admit, at first glance, a hot dog seems to have all the necessary qualifications of a sandwich. (cc: @PFTCommenter), It was anarchy, basically. (Try it, I dare you.). Our modern concept of sandwichwas birthed in 1762 when John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, was too busy gambling to stop for a meal. Artificial Intelligence: a tool or a threat to art and writing? Or that wine is juice. But based on history, its rather unlikely that the Frank-and-bread eating Germans were not Frank-with-bread eating Germans and you wont catch me arguing the other side. BroBible is the #1 place on the internet for the very best content from the worlds of sports, culture, gear, high tech, and more. They are wrong, and here's why. BUT GRAYSON, A SAUSAGE ISNT A HOT DOG!!!!!!! (Sorry, that joke was the wurst.). It is a processed meat, has a carb-based exterior, and is often classified as a light lunch. Fast food. #Bills, Leodis McKelvin, is a hot dog a sandwich? The city of Frankfurt, Germany, usually takes credit for the invention of the frankfurter, and even celebrated the foods 500th birthday in 1987. ", "I think it is in the sandwich family. Whichthough it, like the taco, exists in a fuzzier taxonomic realm than its fellow foodstuffsis primarily vertical in its orientation, thus failing test No. Golden Knights Cheer Heads to Big North Playoffs, Whats Happening in OT Sports Week of April 25, Whats Happening in OT Sports Week of April 18, Still Keeping It Real With Fantasy Week 16, Still Keeping It Real With Fantasy Week 14, Still Keeping It Real With Fantasy Week 11, Still Keeping It Real With Fantasy Week 9, Still Keeping It Real With Fantasy Week 8. Sometimes you have to count on American leaders who deal with tough world issues to weigh in on important debates. #hotdog #sandwich #food #debate #baseball #fyp #foryoupage. Really?! Just like doughnuts, some churros include filling while others do not; this applies to both types. Hot dogs have worked hard to become one of the most legendary staples of American culture. ! Okay, fine. Now Madelyn Leembruggen and Caroline Martin at Harvard University in Cambridge say they have solved this question thanks to an approach based on the statistical physics of phase transitions. I dont see any significant difference between a cheesesteak from Philadelphia and a hot dog. But we can all agree that just like you wouldn't stick a block of brie between bread and call it a grilled cheese, you would also have to be some kind of brute not to slice your deli meats before stacking them in your sando. Hard Cider Onions for Hot Dogs or Sausages, What Makes Smash Burgers Better Than Regular Burgers, We Tried Animal-Style Fries Four Ways And This Is Our Favorite Copycat, Why Mambo Sauce Is the Only Condiment in My Pantry, 12 Top-Rated Recipes to Shake Up Hot Dog Night, How to Set up a Fun Hot Dog Toppings Bar for Easy Get-Togethers. Neither, as given in the definition of a sandwich, can be considered two pieces of bread.. According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (yes, thats a thing), hot dogs are truly a category unto [their] own and have officially transcended sandwiches. I dont think a hamburger is a sandwich either. His frankfurter-focus restaurant has been a Los Angeles landmark since his parents started the joint in 1939. 2. We should also look at the name of the food. Nous, Yahoo, faisons partie de la famille de marques Yahoo. According to Anthony Bourdain, it is not. Incidentally, the citys residents consume more hot dogs than any other in the United Statesa whopping 30 million pounds a year! Even the professionals in the field of linguistics have come to a conclusion: Because the definition of sandwich is 'two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between,' Merriam-Webster came down unequivocally on the side that a hot dog IS a sandwich. Employee Reveals 10 Standout Buys for Your Money. Answer (1 of 148): By itself, no, it's a sausage. In that recounting, vendors were selling hot dogs at the New York Polo Grounds in 1901 and saying things like, Get your dachshund sausages while theyre red hot! Supposedly, a popular New York Journal cartoonist, Tad Dorgan, witnessed the scene and drew a cartoon with barking sausages in rolls. The definition of a sandwich provided by Merriam-Webster states that it consists of two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between. Given that criteria, it would appear that hot dogs can be classified as sandwiches. Of food consisting of two pieces of bread, which he could eat with his hands cartoon! All of us origin back to Frankfurt, so lets go with that made waves in American popular by. Most important debate of our time, Alexandra George, Staff Writer|April 20, 2018 itself, no, is... 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